CHULS Pracademia: Call for Applications for Seedcorn Funding Scheme 2025-2026

  • Are you an academic or a postgraduate researcher who works within law?
  • Do you have an idea for a project to bring law academics and practitioners together?
  • Do you need some seedcorn funding of between £500 and £750 to get started?


If so, consider applying for this CHULS Pracademia Seedcorn funding opportunity!


When? Deadline for submission of applications: 10 March 2025

How?  Email the CHULS Administration Team to request an application form at, complete the form and return it both to the Admin Team and Dr Jill Dickinson at

 Selection: Your application will be judged by a panel of law academics and practitioners (including two members of CHULS and Dr Jill Dickinson), and will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Evidences collaboration between academics and practitioners working within law
  • Demonstrates alignment with at least one of the following themes:
    • research and knowledge exchange;
    • teaching and learning; and/or
    • employability
  • Indicates potential for scaling up the project in the future to build additional impact
  • Demonstrates feasibility
  • Provides clear, detailed costings as to how the funding will be spent
  • Includes clear milestones and plans for monitoring progress

 Timeline (except for the deadline for submission of applications, the remainder of the dates/times may be subject to change):




Monday 10 March 2025

Deadline for submission of applications

Monday 24 March 2025

Applicants notified of decision with opportunity for all applicants to seek feedback, on request

Wednesday 9 April 2025, 11am-12noon

Teams meeting for project leads – getting started

Wednesday 4 June 2025, 11am-12noon

Teams check-in meeting 1 for project leads to share progress, challenges and strategies, and raise queries

Wednesday 3 September 2025, 11am-12noon

Teams check-in meeting 2 for project leads to share progress, challenges and strategies, and raise any queries (with member(s) of judging panel available to provide additional guidance)

Wednesday 5 November 2025, 11am-12noon

Teams check-in meeting 3 for project leads to share progress, challenges and strategies, and raise any queries (with member(s) of judging panel available to provide additional guidance)

30 January 2026

End date by which project funding needs to be spent

February 2026

(Details TBC)

Project Showcase for project leads to present their projects and encourage applications for the CHULS Pracademia Seedcorn Funding Scheme 2026-2027