We are delighted that Professor Lucy Vickers, Head of the School of Law at Oxford Brookes University and member of the CHULS executive committee, has taken over presidency of the Society of Legal Scholars for the year 2022-23.
In a message to SLS members, Lucy said:
“It is an honour to serve as the President of the Society of Legal Scholars for 2022-23.
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you, and to give you some information about next year’s Conference, to be held at Oxford Brookes University in June 2023.
I am currently Professor of Law and head of the School of Law at Oxford Brookes, where I have worked for all of my academic career. I have been involved in the SLS for many years. I first attended a conference in 1996 as an early career academic, and have since then increased my participation in the Society. Having first engaged with my subject section, I later responded to a call put out by the Society for new members, at a time when there were few women or academics from the post-92 sector on the committee: I fitted the bill! I was elected as a member of the Executive and have since been Subject Sections Secretary, Treasurer, and a member of the EDI committee. So, I have enjoyed many years of involvement with the Society and am looking forward to the next stage as your President.
Coming from a relatively small law department, and spending my career in one place, the SLS has given me a wonderful opportunity to meet and work with colleagues from a range of different universities across all areas of the UK and Ireland, many of whom have become friends as we have returned to the conference over the years. I would really like to encourage others to take the opportunities the Society offers for making connections and friendships through the society’s activities. There are lots of ways to get involved: come to the conference, apply for funding for a small research event or the annual seminar; attend one of the subject section meetings that take place outside of the conference, such as the event in Bristol held last year for early career academics by the labour, migration, public law and human rights subject sections; represent your law school as a Council Member; stand for election as a member of one of our committees!”
Congratulations Lucy!