Dr Jonathan Galloway took up the role of Head of Newcastle Law School at the end of April 2020 after spending 20 months on secondment as Associate Dean (Internationalisation and Strategic Projects) for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences with a broad portfolio covering both internationalisation and estates strategy. Jonathan’s Faculty Internationalisation remit included supporting the implementation of the University Global Strategy within the HaSS Faculty, leading on the University’s (international) mobility plan, being a key contact for several international partners, as well as assisting in the identification of emerging recruitment markets, supporting Brexit mobility contingency planning and on the large scale repatriation of students at the early stages of the Covid-19 epidemic. Estates strategy responsibilities included supporting capital projects management and user engagement within the Faculty, supporting estates and space strategic planning, and ensuring that our University facilities met our research and educational needs. Jonathan’s academic expertise specialises in Competition/Antitrust Law, EU law, and with a keen interest in Corporate Governance and US Constitutional Law.