Professor Deveral Capps is the Dean of Leeds Law School at Leeds Beckett University. He has been involved in Higher Education for some 25 years and is also qualified as a barrister having practised in both civil and criminal law in courts across the North of England – he holds a door tenancy at Trinity Chambers in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Deveral has played a significant role in the development of legal education and training in the UK. He sat on the steering panel for the Legal Education and Training Review, was a member of the Bar Standards Board’s Future Bar Training Programme Board and was central to the design of the curriculum and assessment strategy for barristers being trained today. Most recently he reviewed whether European Union Law should remain as a Foundation of Legal Knowledge for the purposes of the academic component of a barristers training. Deveral was also a panel member for the subject pilot of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) and is the Deputy Chair of QAA’s Subject Benchmark Statement review for Law that is due for release later in 2022.