10am – 3pm, Friday 20th September

University of Birmingham

No conference fee. Lunch and refreshments will be completely subsidised by CHULS.

Book your place now.

Following the presentation of the final research report to CHULS members in June by Prof Greta Bosch and colleagues, this thought provoking one-day event continues the conversation exploring the underlying causes of disparate performance for ethnic groups in legal professional assessments. The day is aimed at legal academics and educators including (but not limited to) those in curriculum development and employability, pro bono clinics and projects, research, pedagogy and scholarship and student success. This event aims to encourage a contribution from a range of voices to articulate current practice and for the legal education sector across the UK to collaborate on future planning.

We look forward to welcoming lots of familiar and new faces.





Refreshments upon arrival


Welcome from Professor Penny Carey, Chair of CHULS

Introductions from Professor Warren Barr, Vice Chair of CHULS



·         Access and Participation Plan & National-level Work Around EDI

·         Research and Curriculum Design

·         Diversity in Leadership

·         Audience Provocation


Refreshment Break


Recommendation Carousel: for this part of the day, it might be helpful to have (re)familiarised yourself with your institution’s Action and Participation Plan.

1. Increase understanding of the need and ways to support minority ethnic students.

2. Ensure greater diversity among teaching staff, senior leadership and decision-makers.

3. Ensure that senior management at education institutions take responsibility for reducing differential outcomes.

4. Provide more resource required to help increase academic skills, such as assessment preparation.

5. Enable greater collaboration with law firms for paid work experience, practical help with lawyer skills including soft skills, networking, and cultural capital.




Feedback and Discussions: sharing good practice


Closing Remarks: where do we go from here?




You can read phase one of the report here: https://www.sra.org.uk/sra/research-publications/ethnicity-attainment-gap-legal-professional-assessments/


You can read the final report here: SRA | Potential causes of differential outcomes by ethnicity in legal professional assessments | Solicitors Regulation Authority